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I'm evolving my coaching practice - Here's what you can expect to learn more about moving ahead.

coaching Apr 15, 2022
Donna Louise Coaching
I'm evolving my coaching practice - Here's what you can expect to learn more about moving ahead.

Exciting news! Things will be slightly different around here moving forward.

As with life, love and creativity, my coaching practice and I are growing, unfolding and evolving.

In a recent newsletter, you may have seen that I passed my coaching exams in Neurolinguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Hypnosis. You might have wondered what it's all about?

Here's a rapid rundown, but I will be fully expanding on these techniques in future posts:

1. Neurolinguistic Programming is the study of the subconscious mind (which controls 95% of our behaviour) and how the language we use internally and verbally affects our behaviour and, therefore, our results.

NLP uses a combination of phycological tools and techniques that helps us uncover and heal the root of your self-limiting beliefs, fears, procrastination and not-serving-you habits so you can bring about positive change in yourself—empowering you to reach your dreams and goals with more ease. 

2. Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka Tapping, is a somatic therapeutical technique where your fingers repeatedly tap specific acupuncture points on your face and body in a sequence while speaking aloud the truth of the negative emotion you are experiencing at that moment.

The tapping vibration sends a relaxing signal to the amygdala part of your brain (which is responsible for your fight or flight response, sending signals to adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol and processing significant negative memories), which not only calms you down but also releases and reprograms that negative emotion and any associating memories. 

3. Hypnosis is a technique that uses the language of the subconscious mind to help clients purposely go into a trance-like state. Coaches can use hypnosis to make suggestions at the subconscious level that empower you, the client, to become the person you want to be to achieve your goals. 

4. Life & Success Coaching the Magnetic Coach way is a little different to what you might have heard about or experienced before. Coaching at its core is about providing a supportive and insightful space for you to find the answers to your challenges. Magnetic coaches facilitate this by helping you to, 1. Unveil the root of your challenge on a subconscious level, 2. Address and heal the subconscious mind through change work tools mentioned above and 3. Provide then guidance, tools, accountability and support that sets you up for sustainable success and embodied empowerment moving ahead.


I learned of the impact of these practices around March 2020. I was looking for ways to cultivate a healthier mindset in light of the pandemic so I could better succeed in pivoting my business. But, upon investigation and personal application, I uncovered more than mind tricks to help manage to overwhelm and achieve my goals. I learned that much of what was holding me back in my creative vision was not rooted in my creativity or skill set but in significant, adverse events that had occurred throughout my life.

Learning about how the subconscious mind and brain stores memories alongside learning where my fears, doubts, resistance and self-limiting beliefs had originated was shocking, liberating and empowering all at the same time. 

So I began to use some of the techniques in my coaching practice so my clients could experience the profound soul-releasing life-empowering benefits too. 

Then last year, in 2021, I decided that because I genuinely believed and had experienced that these tools and approaches worked the best to help myself and my clients above and beyond any business strategies, I went ahead and enrolled in the Magnetic Coach program to get certified in these modalities. 

Today it's nearly one year on, and here I am about to submit my case studies for board certification! 

So while I'll still be showing up to teach foundational business and planning skills, I'm also going to explain and offer much more about how NLP, EFT and Hypnosis can help you identify, release and heal years or decades of doubt, insecurity, fear, anxiety and more. Thus, allowing you to build the creative business or career of your dreams with authentic ease, self-belief and joy. 

I sincerely hope you're excited and curious to learn more?! As I'm inviting you on a mission to break free of negative thoughts and not-serving-you beliefs so you can thrive as the creative badass you were born to be.  


CLICK HERE to Get 30 Days of Tapping & Tips to Kick Start An Incredible Year